
sport / 4 months ago
Enyimba assistant coach Olanrewaju Yemi has acknowledged his smooth working relationship with the ou...
sport / 1 month ago
Enyimba chairman, Nwankwo Kanu has backed Yemi Olanrewaju to make a big impact at the club. Olanrewa...
sport / 2 weeks ago
Enyimba technical adviser, Olanrewaju Yemi says his side must work more on converting their chances....
sport / 1 week ago
Enyimba head coach Olanrewaju Yemi has said his team’s victory over Heartland will prepare them for ...
sport / 1 week ago
Enyimba technical adviser, Yemi Olanrewaju says his team still have a lot to do to secure qualificat...