President Joe Biden hopes to put health care issues front and center during a Monday campaign appearance in New Hampshire, according to a White House official.

The Granite State visit is one of several trips to swing states that Biden plans to take this week. The visits follow last Thursday’s State of the Union address, in which Biden contrasted his vision for America with that of former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for 2024.

Health care was a big focus of that address, with Biden proposing a series of initiatives that he said would reduce the price of prescription drugs or strengthen the Affordable Care Act ― aka “Obamacare.”

In both cases, Biden reminded voters he was proposing to expand, extend or otherwise build upon reforms that he and Democrats have already enacted during Biden’s first term. And in both cases, Biden noted, he and the Democrats have faced strong opposition from Republicans.

At Monday’s event in New Hampshire, the White House official said Biden will hit the same themes.

Among other things, Biden plans to talk about a new limit on out-of-pocket drug expenses in Medicare that has started to take effect and that by next year will cap those expenses at $2,500 a year per senior.

Now Biden wants to extend that limit, so that it applies to the private insurance policies of non-elderly Americans. But the $2,500 limit became law as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, which Republicans did not support.

Democrats passed it on a party line vote and, since then, some Republicans have spoken about repealing parts of the law.

Biden is sure to mention that ― just as he is sure to mention how Democrats have increased the financial assistance available to people who buy insurance through Obamacare’s online marketplaces like

That increase is temporary, set to expire in 2025, and Biden has called for renewing it.

Trump, meanwhile, has renewed calls for repealing Obamacare, just as he tried to do during his term as president.

It’s not hard to see why Biden would want to highlight the contrast between the two parties and their standard bearers. Polls suggest the recent reforms that Biden and the Democrats have passed are highly popular.

But those same polls suggest few Americans are aware of what Biden and the Democrats have done, let alone what they are proposing to do now.

On Monday, Biden hopes to help change that.

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