Her Beatles countrymen sang “I wanna hold your hand,” but Queen Camilla wasn’t buying it at the D-Day ceremony in Normandy on Thursday.

French first lady Brigitte Macron tried to hold Camilla’s hand and got a seemingly chilly reaction from the British royal, according to observers.

After the two laid wreaths at the memorial, Macron reached for the queen but Camilla kept retreating. The first lady then grasped Camilla’s hand for a fleeting moment before Camilla appeared to withdraw again. The two then walked back toward the audience, keeping their distance.

Several outlets noted that the royal family’s outdated website page specifies “there are no obligatory codes of behavior when meeting the Queen or a member of the royal family, but many people wish to observe the traditional forms.” Those can include a curtsy or a handshake, according to the site.

To many observers, Camilla was guilty of “snobbery” while giving Macron “the cold shoulder,” er cold hand.

Camilla’s husband, King Charles, on the other hand, appeared to emanate a warmer vibe in greeting French President Emmanuel Macron.

CHRIS JACKSON via Getty Images

They also hugged ― but doesn’t it seem like Charles is more the hug-ee than the hugger?

Chris Jackson via Getty Images

Anyway, we hope their wives are still on ping-pong-playing terms.

HuffPost reached out to Buckingham Palace for comment.

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