“Daily Show” correspondent Ronny Chieng said Donald Trump grew very uncomfortable during an interview on Fox News over the weekend when he was asked if he would declassify documents related to late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

Trump offered a quick “yes” when asked if he would declassify 9/11 and JFK files.

When asked about releasing files related to Epstein ― who was once friendly with Trump ― he paused, then hemmed.

“Yeah, yeah, I would,” he said. “I guess I would. I think that, less so.”

Chieng, who is hosting this week, found that pretty telling.

“Look at the panic in Trump’s eyes,” he said. “I’ve seen more relaxed people in the exit row of a Boeing flight.”

Chieng played more of the interview, where Trump said he was less inclined to release the Epstein files because there’s “a lot of phony stuff” in the documents that could “affect people’s lives.”

“OK, he’s definitely in that file. He is in the Epstein files, he’s already like, ‘Look, there’s gonna be a lot of phony stuff in there ― names, pictures, my DNA ― you can’t believe any of it,’” he said.

Chieng isn’t buying Trump’s claim that he needs to protect the people who might be named in the file.

“This is the same guy who said Obama was born in Kenya and Ted Cruz’s dad killed JFK, OK?” he said. “Now all of a sudden he’s like, ‘Look, if you put some inaccurate information out there it could really destroy someone’s reputation, OK, we need to err on the side of caution here.’”

See more in the Tuesday night monologue:

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