Roque Planas

politics / 4 days ago
A group of state legislators, local politicians and nonprofits on Tuesday launched a national coalit...
politics / 4 days ago
The man accused of stalking Donald Trump from behind the bushes at the edge of one of the former pre...
politics / 1 month ago
When Justice Clarence Thomas penned a sweeping reinterpretation of the Second Amendment two years ag...
politics / 1 month ago
Twenty minutes into his state of the state address last April, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz turned to the...
politics / 2 months ago
The Supreme Court’s ruling overturning the long-standing “Chevron doctrine” on Friday dealt a major ...
politics / 3 months ago
The federal government can continue to limit domestic abusers’ gun rights, according to a landmark r...
politics / 3 months ago
The Supreme Court Friday overturned a federal agency’s rule banning bump stocks, the devices used in...
politics / 4 months ago
Illustration: Benjamin Currie/HuffPostIn a video clip uploaded three months ago, one of YouTube’s mo...
politics / 4 months ago
Reps. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) and Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.) are demanding an update on the Department of...
politics / 4 months ago
Former President Donald Trump will address the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association in D...
politics / 4 months ago
New York may become the first state to bar gun companies from selling pistols that can easily be con...
politics / 6 months ago
When George Alan Kelly saw a group of camouflaged men traveling across his 170-acre ranch on Jan. 30...
politics / 6 months ago
A must-pass government funding package will expand gun rights for an unlikely group: veterans deemed...
politics / 6 months ago
Arizona Republicans are rallying behind a proposed law that critics say would amount to legalizing m...
politics / 6 months ago
When former President Donald Trump banned the gun components known as “bump stocks” in 2018, followi...
politics / 6 months ago
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Wednesday in a case that promises to settle the ques...